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Local development for Ory Cloud

As explained in the Ory Security Model description, Ory APIs must be available on the same domain as your application to allow communication between the systems. When developing locally, your application is often exposed at the localhost domain.

The easiest way to achieve that is by using the Ory Tunnel. Ory Tunnel is a tool that is a part of the Ory CLI.

Copy the Ory Cloud project slug from your project's Connect page and start the Ory Tunnel:

ory tunnel --project <your-slug> --dev http://localhost:3000

Running this commands opens the 4000 port on your local machine. This address is connected to your Ory Cloud project and its APIs. The value passed in the --dev flag must point to the host and port of the application you develop locally. In the example, the application runs On http://localhost:3000.


After starting the Tunnel, test it by performing the registration flow: http://localhost:4000/ui/registration.

You can now start developing locally. Make sure to send any HTTP calls you make to http://localhost:4000 and not https://<your-slug>

For example, when you configure the Ory SDK (here in Node.js):

import { Configuration, V0alpha2Api } from "@ory/client"

const sdk = new V0alpha2Api(
new Configuration({
basePath: "http://localhost:4000", // instead of `https://<your-slug>`
baseOptions: {
withCredentials: true,


Using the Ory Tunnel has a few limitations.

localhost vs

Your local machine is usually available on both localhost and For the browser these two domains are different top-level-domains. Cookies set on localhost will not be sent in requests to and vice versa.


If you encounter cookie issues, make sure that all of your requests are sent to localhost and not

Social sign-in

Currently, setting up social sign-in on localhost isn't officially supported.


Currently, WebAuthn isn't officially supported on localhost. The reason for this is the explicit origin matching in WebAuthn which is a measure against phishing.